马龙探案卷四 之 正确的凶案 三十
“He’ll pull through, but he may be unconscious for hours,” Malone said, chewing savagely on his cigar. “We might as well get out of this place before they decide to roll out beds for us, too.”
It was eight in the morning. The two-hour nap in the hospital waiting room had helped Malone a little, but he had a vague and unfortable notion that creeping paralysis was beginning to get under way.
Ross McLaurin’s injury, as the lawyer had guessed, was not serious, but he was suffering badly from exposure. Rest and quiet were indicated right now. Malone wished someone would prescribe rest and quiet for him.
三个人走到克拉克街,向南朝着市中心走去。天空又阴沉下来,呈现出一片寒冷、阴沉的灰色。有轨电车哐当哐当地驶过,挤满了第一批去上八点半班的工人。克拉克街本身沉闷而又几乎空无一人。那些打着“21 美分两杯”广告的酒馆和廉价舞厅正在被打扫。甚至当铺都关着门。几个流浪汉在那些简陋的小餐馆里吃着“五美分咖啡和两个甜甜圈”。在他们前面,市中心的高楼大厦和尖顶直插云霄,气势恢宏而又令人生畏。
The three walked over to Clark Street and headed south toward the Loop. The sky had clouded over again and was a cold, dismal gray. Streetcars rattled by, crowded with the first influx of workers headed for eight-thirty jobs. Clark Street itself was dreary and half deserted. Taverns advertising “Two Shots for 21c” and cheap dance halls were being swept out. Even the pawnshops were closed. A few bums were having “Coffee and Two Doughnuts, 5c,” in the hole-in-the-wall lunchrooms. Ahead of them, the towers and spires of the Loop reached up, massive and forbidding against the sky.
“It’s just as I thought,” Malone said. “This guy got to wandering around and he started talking to the wrong person. Whoever he started talking to evidently lured him off to some secluded spot, tried to pump him for information, finally got him out to Maple Park, and stabbed him. The murderer evidently figured if he wasn’t done for already, the cold weather would finish the job.” He turned up his coat collar. “Where the hell are we going, and why don’t we take a taxi?”
“The air feels good,” Jake said crossly.
“Helene said, “Do you suppose the mail has arrived at your office?”
“Not this early,” Malone said. “Anyway I don’t think there will be any answers to that want ad in the first mail.” He walked half a block and said, “I ought to go home and change my clothes. My suit looks as if I’d been sleeping in it.”
“You have been,” Helene said, “or don’t you remember? What’s von Flanagan going to say when he hears about this attempted murder?”
“He’s going to say that everyone conspires to make life hard for him, and that he’s going to retire and run a weekly newspaper. Only he isn’t going to say it to me, because until this mess is straightened out, I’m going to avoid him as though he were just ing down with bubonic plague.”
They were silent for a few blocks. All around, Chicago was beginning to wake up for the day. Alarm clocks were ringing right now, Jake reflected, from Gary to Evanston, from Oak Park to the lake. Some people were just settling down for a second sleep. Others, and he wished he were one of them, were just getting into bed. Somewhere, though, was a man or a woman who wasn’t waking and wasn’t sleeping, because Mona McClane had murdered him. It wasn’t either of the Tuesdays and it wasn’t Ross McLaurin. Jake began to wonder if it wasn’t tempting providence to ask for another corpse.
They had reached the bridge across the Chicago River before anyone spoke. Halfway across, looking down on the great cakes of dirty ice that floated on the slimy green water, Malone said, “I’m glad she’s in jail.”
“I’m glad, too,” Jake said. “Who?”
“Lotus. Evidently the killer isn’t taking any chances with accidental witnesses. Lotus was on the same floor of Mona McClane’s house when the second murder was mitted.”
“So was I,” Helene reflected. “For that matter, so was Louella White—pardon me, Lou White—and Pendley Tidewell.”
“McLaurin is a lucky guy,” Jake said. “He’s going to pull through, and probably they’ll sober him up while he’s in the hospital. He has all kinds of money, and he has a swell girl waiting for him as soon as you can get her out of jail.”
“You have me,” Helene pointed out.
“Jake snorted. “Except that the only time I spend with you is on elevated trains or in taxicabs.”
“Never mind. Wait till we win that bet.”