“I’m looking for my husband’s grave.” “I’m meeting my husband down in the Loop at four.”
The grave had been there, and Editha Venning appeared sane, more sane than Jake felt at the moment.
He wondered if he ought to go back and tell Andy Ahearn about it. This was in his jurisdiction. But that wouldn’t do any good. There was no law against digging a hole in the ground, even if that hole was in the shape of a grave.
也许应该告诉的人是迈克尔?文宁本人。不过,这将是一个相当微妙的话题。“听着,老兄,你知道你的坟墓被挖了吗?” 不管怎样,那又有什么用呢?除非文宁可能想出去再把土铲回去。没错,这个人应该得到警告,但是要警告他什么,又该怎么警告呢?有那么一瞬间,杰克疯狂地考虑寄一封匿名信,署名 “你的朋友” 或者 “好心人”。内容可以是:“亲爱的文宁先生。你的坟墓正在等着你……” 文宁无疑会认为这是一封怪信。也难怪,杰克想。像文宁这么有钱的人总是会收到警告信。
Perhaps the person to tell would be Michael Venning himself. Still, it would be a rather delicate subject to broach. “Look here, old man, did you know your grave had been dug?” Anyway, what good would that do? Unless Venning might want to go out and shovel the dirt back again. True, the man ought to be warned, but of what, and how? For a mad moment Jake considered sending an anonymous note, signed “Your Friend,” or “Well-wisher.” Something like: “Dear Mr. Venning. Your grave is waiting for you—” Venning would undoubtedly think it was a crank letter. And no wonder, Jake decided. Men as wealthy as Venning were always getting warning notes.
Jake decided to do nothing until he had talked it over with Malone.
Before he left Maple Park, however, there was one thing he wanted to do. He wanted to take one more look at those footprints in the woods.
Jake dropped his cigarette in the snow, again walked around the old Venning house, and crossed the lawn leading to the woods. A cold wind had e up from the lake, and a few drops of rain were beginning to fall. For a moment he considered giving it up and turning back. Oh well, it wouldn’t take long to find out where those footprints led.
He followed the path to the point where the footprints first appeared. From this point on, they led to the open grave that was hidden in the bushes. They had been made since the snowfall, but they had been there several days at least, and through several of the intermittent rains.
He bent down and examined them. They were a man’s prints, large ones, made by some kind of heavy shoe, probably a sports shoe. A bloodhound could make a lot more out of them than he could, Jake thought, but he looked at them closely. They were deep prints, evidently a heavy man. Tall, too, if the size of his feet were any indication.
Now, to find out where they led. He stood up, brushing the snow from his knees, anl looked around him. This would be a hell of a time to get lost in the woods. There was the path, leading back toward the lawn, and there were the footprints, plus Editha Venning’s and his own, leading toward the open grave. From this point on the mysterious footprints had traveled on another path, leading along the wall that separated this from the McClane estate.
Jake asked himself crossly just what the devil he expected to find out from those footprints anyway. Probably they led to the main road, or to a gate, or to some other place that wouldn’t tell him a thing. If they did lead to a house, or a garage, or some spot where a car had been parked, he would still be in the dark. Besides, his shoes were unfortably full of snow, and he was getting damnably cold. He was sick of playing games by himself.
No, he’d e this far, he might as well go on. He hated to quit on such an inconclusive note.
This path was narrower than the other had been and not so well cleared. Clumps of weed and bramble, half buried in the snow, caught at his ankles; wet branches brushed against his face. One particularly obnoxious branch, evidently taking a personal dislike to him, snatched the hat from his head, and Jake picked it out of the snow, swearing indignantly. Whoever the guy was who had made those footprints, Jake didn't like him.
Perhaps he'd lose sight of the footprints and get lost in the woods. People did, sometimes. The woods on the Venning estate were only about a half-mile square, but that would be enough, neglected and tangled as they were. He might get somewhere in the center of them and begin going around in a circle. It would get dark after a while, and colder. He'd wander around for hours, trying to find his way out, and at last he'd lie down in the snow to go to sleep, and freeze there. He wondered if the robins would e and cover him over with leaves. No, it was the wrong season for robins. They'd find him in the spring, right where he'd gone to sleep.
He wondered if Helene would be sorry. She'd make a beautiful widow, though. Ex-widow, he thought sadly.
The path followed the wall for a long way. As long as he kept sight of that wall, Jake told himself, he was all right. Then another cluster of bushes barred his way, and when he had pushed it aside he found that the path had led him to a little opening in the wall.